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Please Note: The information in this page is only valid for participants from universities/colleges other than the mainland China, HK SAR and Macau SAR. For participants from universities/colleges in mainland China, HK SAR and Macau SAR, please follow the guidelines provided at http://www.mcm.edu.cn.

1. Should I pay any registration fee in order to participate in the contest?

No. In this year, for participants from regions other than mainland China, HK SAR and Macau SAR, their registration fee will be waived off.

2. Should I register for the contest? How to register? Can I update my registration information after registered?

Yes. The registration process for teams from outside the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong SAR, and Macao SAR is as follows:

(1) Download the registration form and fill in the registration information. Registration form download address(http://en.mcm.edu.cn/html_en/node/c2276b547ec45e5dc4d7a9c1143678d3.html.).

(2) Send the registration form to contest@csiam.org.cn. The registration will be successful after receiving the email reply with the team number.


a. Please register by email before the deadline specified on this website (usually two days before the start of the competition) (Only applicable to participants from outside the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong SAR, and Macao SAR).

b. A team consists of up to three undergraduate students supervised by up to one advisor (optional). All team members must be from the same institution.

c. Please fill in your valid email address, which will be used to receive your electronic participation certificate after the contest.

d. At any time before the registration deadline, you can update your team's registration information according to the same registration process. Please Indicate "team number + registration update" in the email title. The update succeeds after receiving an email reply.

3. Should the team members be from the same institution?

Yes, all the three students and the advisor (optional) of a team should be from the same institution (college or university). But they can be from different departments and/or majors.

4. What is the difference between the categories (contest types) of "University" and "College"?

The students from three or four-year universities should register as a university team, and the students from two or three-year colleges should register as a college team.

Starting from 2019, a university team should choose one problem from the contest problems A, B or C; a college team can one problem from the contest problems A, B, C, D or E.

5. How to download the contest problems and submit a solution package? Can I resubmit a new version after submitted?

Please download the contest problems from this website after the contest starts, then solve a problem in your registration category (contest type), and finally submit your solution package to contest@csiam.org.cn before the end of the contest. The email title should indicate “team number + contest question number”. Upon successful submission, you will receive an email confirmation.

Please send your solution package as a single file. (You can use tools such as ZIP or RAR to compress multiple files into a single file for attaching.) Each team can submit only one solution package for only one contest problem.

Please be patient when downloading the contest problems, as the website server is usually heavily loaded at the beginning of the contest. We recommend that you wait about 30 minutes to download the problems. If you are still unable to connect to the website to download the problems after 60 minutes, please email the issue to contest@csiam.org.cn. Then, we will send you the contest problems via email.

At any time before the contest deadline, you can update your solution package according to the same submission process. Please indicate “team number + solution package update” in the email title, and the previous version will be replaced by the new version.

6. What should a solution package include?

A solution package is a set of electronic documents and usually consists of the following electronic files:

(1) A cover page file with participants' full names and addresses, separated from the solution paper file.

(2) The entire solution paper file (including paper title, abstract, full text with multiple sections, references, appendices, etc., but don’t disclose your affiliation or personal information).(3) Other relevant materials that help to evaluate your solution paper (such as the source files of the computer programs you used to solve the contest problem, etc.).

  The solution paper should be written in English or Chinese, and sent as a PDF file (preferred) or MS WORD file (compressed into the solution package).

   Please send the solution package as a single file (if you want to submit multiple files, please compress them into a single file with tools such as ZIP or RAR). Please note that the maximum compressed file size cannot exceed 20M.

@1992-2025 All Rights Reserved.   Organizor: CSIAM (China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)