Create an CUMCM Account
If you already have an Account, sign in here or, click here to return to the main page,
Required information for CUMCM account
User ID
The ID you select lets you sign into our site. Use 4 to 32 characters and start with a letter. You may use letters, numbers, underscores. If the ID you want is not available, try adding a word or number to make it unique.
Email Address
Please provide your current email address. This will be used to sign-in to your account instead of your ID.
Choose a Password
Capitalization matters and minimum of 8 characters in length are required. And moreover, don't use your ID or email address
Re-type Password
Your Name
Gender Male Female
Country Location
Word Verification
Type the code you see in the picture below, letters are not case-sensitive
@1992-2024 All Rights Reserved.   Organizor: CSIAM (China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)